What’s in the Box: Broccoli(Bi-Weekly Only), kohlrabi (green), swiss chard, green garlic, chioggia (kee-oh-jah) beets, snow peas, summer squash, green onion, and collard green.
What’s going on at the farm: Over the last week we planted eggplants, leeks, tomatilloes, and watermelon. This week we will plant ground cherries, cantaloupe, fennel, and get winter squash started in the greenhouse. We basket weaved our cherry tomatoes, weeded the entire sweet pepper field, and clipped and pruned all the greenhouse tomatoes again. We are working through quite a heat wave right now as you probably know. Rain has been scarce over the year and with the heat coordinating irrigation has become an important and constant task in itself. Hopefully we’ll get a good rain soon. Looking at our current crops strawberries are sadly done for the year. Our green onions are simply summer onions picked early, simply chop the tops along with the small bulb end just like a regular scallion. Other crops looking great and coming soon include new potatoes, onions, green and savoy cabbages, and golden beets.