Welcome to week #7 everyone! Some early summer crops are starting to come in that we worked hard on this spring to have ready by July like cucumbers and tomatoes, but there are not enough this week for everyone so probably one or two more weeks on those I’m guessing and 2-3 for tomatoes before there is enough ripe for shares. We planted almost all our peppers a week ago, a little late but we got in 1000 plants. We’ve been weeding the carrots a lot also and they should be ready soon! This week we have another nice share for you all including the list below…
Kale: Curly kale is going strong and also has lots of protein and vitamins to help keep you going strong.
Dinosaur lettuce: This odd lettuce came to us through gifted seed and its got a thick rib and tall leaf i imagine it would lend well to a quick toss on the grill with the thicker ribs.
Beets: We will have a random selection of beets for our beet this week but it will likely be gold or chioggia beets, you can eat them raw shaved or make them into chips roasting them in the oven sliced thinly or just roast or grill them to bring out those wonderful sugars and flavors…. I like them best roasted.
Kohlrabi: We have purple kohlrabi in and this may be the last week for it this year, They are great raw as a snack, grated into salad and coleslaw or cooked.
Zucchini or summer squash. There should be enough this week to get everyone a baby squash or two. Normally we have them earlier in the year but all the late frost this year kept nipping our plants and setting them back a bit so it will be close on how much there is to go around this week but we will do our best although it would help if we could get some rain and they would size up faster.
Fennel: This sweet bulb with a light licorice flavor pairs well with kohlrabi grated for a tasty kohl slaw or sliced thin and mixed with fruit like citrus and or fish for a a salmon fennel salad. We’ve had it roasted in the oven at home this week with beets and also put it on grilled pizza.
Basil: Fresh basil tops go great with all the veggies!
Cabbage: Great for coleslaw on the Fourth Of July week if your cooking out, I have a recipe here on the site for a cabbage fennel slaw that is pretty tasty!
That’s all the delicious veggie items coming this week folks, Its possible that I may add a crop like cucumber if there is enough to go around this week nut I think they need another week to start producing more. enjoy the bounty of our efforts here at the farm and we will keep on trucking through to bring on the veg! Thank you all for being CSA members, have a great holiday weekend and enjoy!