Hello CSA Members!
June and summer is here after what was officially the driest May we’ve ever had June has been the same so far. We’ve got a great crop mix this week for you this week regardless. Between all the harvesting, weeding, and washing of crops coming in we have spent all our time picking strawberries! They have been ripening fast in the heat and are so tasty and sweet! Really i’ve been hoping for rain but it just isn’t coming this year so lots of time has been spent moving water around and keeping the crops irrigated. I tilled the pepper area last week and this week I will prepare it for planting and hopefully have the peppers in by weeks end.
This week in boxes we have a great list of crops for you and some of my favorites including.
Strawberries: I don’t think i need to describe many suggestions for uses of these deep red organic vine ripe berries we like to eat them with whip cream. We have two varieties of berries, one is smaller and one larger but both have really good flavor.
Romaine lettuce: These heads will pair well with just about anything as a crunchy salad, I’ve even heard you can grill romaine but i’ve never tried it myself.
Garlic Scapes: These flowering shoots of the hard neck garlic plant are good blended with olive oil for a garlic spread for breads or pizza, or i grill them in a foil wrap for a garlicky asparagus like side that goes great with grilled chicken or other grilled foods. They can also be used minced up just like garlic and sautéed in stir fries, pasta dishes, etc…
Kale: Green curly kale for salads, sautéing, kale chips and more!
Kohlrabi: A member of the brassica family, the kohlrabi is basically a cabbage apple as defined by its germanic roots in its name. Its crispy sweet and great raw for a snack, cooked, or grated for slaw or salads.
Joi-Choi: a chinese type cabbage with white stems and foliage that is edible, we had some flea beatle damage on this crop but its still tastes good in a stir fry or as a side green.
Red beets: These delicious roots are great roasted and the greens are similar to chard and can be prepared the same way as chard or spinach.
Green onions: These tasty scallions can be used anywhere, don’t overcook them, you can use them raw or add them near the end of a stir fry for some great flavor.
Thanks everyone and enjoy the early summer crops! There is just not enough time in a day even with these longest days of the year coming up right now. I have been working all day every day to keep up but that’s the norm for me. I had some issues with my email this week so i apologize about not sending the link last week or this week or if you’ve been trying to reach me through email. I will be trying to figure that out this week also but i’m always available by phone also if you should need assistance with anything. I hope you all eat well from the crops we’ve provided this week and be well! -Kyle