What’s in the Box: Heirloom tomato, slicing tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, cauliflower, sweet onions with tops, summer squash, zucchini, english cucumbers, purple haze carrots, green garlic, pea shoots, swiss chard, and basil.
What’s going on at the farm: We have quite a few new things ready for you all this week including cherry tomatoes, new heirloom tomatoes, and purple haze carrots. Our write up of these is brief this week as we are trying to harvest all of our garlic today despite the heavy rains we keep getting and get it cleaned, bundled and set it out for curing. After a couple weeks of curing we will then clip the tops off each bulb and clean them up a bit more for storage, seed stock, and of course for your CSA shares! We have two types of garlic. The first is a white porcelain hard neck called german extra hardy which has a white wrapper and 4-6 large cloves making it easy to clean. The other is a purple striped hard neck called asian tempest which is a bit spicier and has purple streaking through the outer wrapper. Both of them store well on the counter or any room temp shady spot. Do not refrigerate your garlic as there is no need and this could force it to sprout. Our garlic area will soon be seeded right into salad greens and other crops like carrots for fall, if and when we can find some time between harvests. We are harvesting every day now on many crops and all that weeding we were doing the last month has made for easier picking and clean fields to work in. Lots of exciting crops are finally yielding heavily including tomatoes which are my personal favorite. Plenty of cucumbers and summer squash still coming in too and these versatile veggies are great for so many dishes they are too numerous to mention. We love the cucumbers just sliced up with salt as an easy snack but they are great for juicing, pickling, and of course sandwiches and salads. Until next week then enjoy all the new crops. We are going to get out there and bring in the garlic. enjoy the veggies and we will keep on harvesting, cleaning, planting, and weeding. Some crops coming next week include eggplant, green beans, and most likely green peppers, and hot peppers. Thank you.