What’s in the Box: Sweet banana pepper (yellow long), sweet pepper (random choice), shallot, tempest garlic, red torpedo onion, cherry tomato mix, eggplant, dragons tongue romano beans, white icicle radishes, daikon radish, arugula, spicy salad greens.
What’s going on at the farm: We had our annual farm potluck dinner this week! It was a perfect evening of with great people of all ages, great food, and a perfect evening bonfire on a very starry night. Very nice to spend some time relaxing on the farm and not just working too! Fall has definitely made it’s presence clear as temps are falling and the summer crops life cycle comes to an end. It’s a bit of a relief with the cool air and a finishing date in site for our worn bodies as we enter the last quarter of the season. We will be harvesting cherry tomatoes and tomatoes for the last time this week and will not have enough slicers for shares anymore but plenty of cherries yet. Lot’s of clean up going on here too removing mulch beds, drip lines, and this coming weekend taking down all the vines and clips in our tomato houses. As the summer is surely leaving we have some great fall crops coming in for you this week including fresh arugula, a wonderful salad green from the radish family with a similar taste along with its sweet crunchiness. Braising greens are also in but they can be chopped for salad or used for braising/steaming, etc… The mix contains red frilly mustard, giant red mustard, mizuna, tatsoi, and more. White icicle radishes are in and they are super crunchy and spicy too! Remove the tops from your radishes if you want them to stay crisp for more then a few days. You can cook with the radish tops as well and these fall radishes have some excellent large tops so don’t be afraid to try them out. Daikon radish is also in this week and not a huge item volume wise but nice for salads or other things grated on top. I’ve even had these crunchy roots in tacos, roasted roots veggies, or sautéed. Plenty of dragon romano beans coming again this week too. Enjoy these crunchy late summer fruits. It will likely be the end of our beans this week but who knows, could be one more pick with some cooperative warm weather. Our three late types of spinach are sprouting beautifully in the field so we should have a nice succession of sweet fall frosted spinach for late season. Plenty of greens, radishes, turnips, and plenty of red potatoes and storage onions are on the way soon as well. Enjoy the return of the crunchy greens and roots and of course the fall weather and food folks!