What’s in the Box: Arugula, salad mix, radish, savoy spinach, bak-choi, joi-choi, kale (red russian), green garlic.
What’s going on at the farm: We made it to the first week of shares so first I would like to welcome everyone! As usual our first box of the year includes many fresh and tender greens so we have been very busy picking, and washing them. Choi and Kale are best for saute greens and both are good with rice and the green garlic. There has been and will be a lot of planting going on here through the late spring and summer as well. In May so far we have planted many tomatoes, strawberries, shallots, cucumbers, summer squash, zucchini, celery, onions, and potatoes. It’s been go, go, go, every day all day but that is normal for a CSA farm. We do everything by hand so it takes longer to do each job than if we had mechanization. We are getting strawberries from our planting last year early so I expect we will have them for CSA by week 2 and 3, very exciting as it is our first strawberry crop ever! Some other crops coming in the next couple weeks will include kohlrabi, lettuce heads, swiss chard, and garlic scapes. Other crops we will be planting over the next couple weeks include eggplant, summer leeks, basil, green beans, carrots, fennel, and a second round of celery. We started watermelon and cantaloupe in the hoop-house this week and will be starting winter squash soon as well. Remember you can use our veggie ID section on the website to identify your veggies visually if you need to. The veggie ID photo’s and weekly box photo’s will be updated weekly by photographer Mallory Shotwell. Hope everyone enjoys the first week and i’ll be seeing most of you at the drop sites.