What’s in the Box: Golden beets with greens, seedless english cucumber, dill, summer squash, zucchini, sugar snap peas, swiss chard, and lacinato kale.
What’s going on at the farm:
We finally got the rain we needed this week without any major storms or damage thankfully. My favorite item this week is a toss up between the golden beets with their sweet bulbs and rich greens and the sugar snap peas with their refreshingly crisp texture and sweet flavor. Some other favorites of mine right now include the crisp seedless english cucumbers. The cukes are super sweet with a thin peel, no spines, and a burp-less quality. They are awesome sliced with some salt on them as a fresh snack to cool down. here is a little rundown of the crops this week.
G0lden beets are a great roasted, sautéed, or sliced thinly raw. They are extremely sweet and do not bleed like a red beet. The greens may also be used as a sauté green.
Cucumbers are actually one of the most hydrating veggies there are! They make a great salad with the dill.
The sugar snap pea crop is coming in heavily now and i’m sure you will all enjoy these crisp sweet pea pods which can be eaten whole fresh and also cooked with or without stringing them, we have several varieties this year so the pods may vary as we will be picking them mixed out of the field.
Dill is our fresh herb this week and it is great with the cucumbers but lends a fresh twist to any dish and pairs well with fish, and fresh greens, sauces, and dressings.
Swiss chard is versatile as a green and although its related to beets, the greens are often used in place of spinach.
We have lacinato kale for you this week and a lot of folks consider this to be a superior tasting kale which is well balanced in flavor. Kale is usually cooked but can be massaged or finely chopped raw for use in salads and other dishes.
Zucchini is in along with summer squash and everyone will be receiving both green and yellow squash and possibly some patty pan squash. They can all be cooked like zucchini, and do not require any peeling.
It’s been a very busy week on the farm this last week. A Couple highlight were finally taking a half day off to go fishing for Fathers Day on Sunday and we were featured in 5 minutes on the farm, on WORT radio. In the next few weeks we expect some other new crops including onions, cabbage, basil, and more. Until next week then, enjoy the veggies!